The following Sponsorship options are available. Please fill out the form below or contact Susan Sheehan at [email protected].
Please note: the deadline for sponshorships is Friday, September 14th.
Platinum $2500 - SOLD
Exclusive! Includes regiatration for 4 golfers, compan or family name/logo on all carts & advertising; special recognition at event.
Gold $1500 - SOLD
Registration for 4 golfers, plus company or family name/logo featured on all major advertising and signage. (Please contact Susan to register your foursome.)
Silver $500 - SOLD
Registration for 2 golfers, plus company or family name/logo featured on all major advertising and signage. (Please contact Susan to register your twosome.)
Contest $500 - SOLD
Company or family name/logo featured on signage for the contest.
Flag Pin Sponsor $250
Company or family name/logo featured on one pin flag. The flag is yours to keep!
Golf Hole Sponsor $125
Includes a sign with your company or family name/logo at one golf hole.